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Interior Construction Group, Inc. Mobile Logo

First Penn - Pacific Life Insurance

Notable Features:

• Interior construction had to be closely coordinated with the base building construction since the building completion date coincided with the client's move-in date

• Weather, including snow, rain, low temperatures and humidity, impacted the process and demanded constant mangement of the work flow around it

• Hoisting and debris removal added to project monitoring responsibilities due to potential delivery conflicts with base building construction and weather conditions

• Requirements included a 10,000 square foot data/ equipment room that included a raised floor, leak detection system, UPS power back-up and clean electrical power panels

“The interior build out of our new offices in Schaumburg proved particularly challenging. All I can say is if they had not been there to guide me, I would not have been able to get the job done. They stayed within budget and helped me through the project. Instead of blindly following directions, they would question some of my decisions. That’s what I want in an interior construction firm.” 

Carol Peacock,
First Penn 

Architect: Cannon | 125,000 sq. ft.